Thursday, October 11, 2012

Daniel Diet Crashed

I acknowledge responisibilty for my own actions. However, this diet was supposed to be a collaboration diet with my mother. I am only 6 pounds away from my ideal wedding weight and my wedding is 4 months and 5 days away. When a person asks me to help them, I am more than happy to oblige. But I refuse to continue a strict diet when the person who convinced me to do it with them cheats everyday! I did the diet in January (for 24 days! so I do not feel like a failer because I have completed it before. I plan on reinstating this diet January 3rd until the wedding (or at LEAST for 3 weeks) but I see no point in depriving myself of delicious pumpkin treats and autumn foods when my counterpart fails to uphold her end of the bargain.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Daniel Diet Day 6

It was so nice to sleep in until 8am, which is late for someone who usually wakes up at 6. One aspect that I love about this diet is that I always sleep well and wake up refreshed and energized! My breakfast was coffee (I cheated and added cream to it!) and then had honeydew from my mom's garden.

My mother cheated on the diet on Thursday and is planning on cheating tonight so I might as well cheat and eat sushi! I already lost 2 pounds! Only 6 to go to weigh what I want to weigh on my wedding day! Too bad it's not until February--I'll probably have to suffer through this strict diet after the New Year until February 15th!

What I wish I was eating--my fiance and I had this seabass and peanut butter & jelly creme brulee at the Flying Fish restaurant in Orlando:

My hibiscus iced tea is amazing--I'm on my third glass today! Popcorn should suffice for my evening snack--I never thought I'd get sick of hummus but that day has unexpectedly arrived!

Daniel Diet Day 5

Hummus and pita bread for lunch. And more lentils! I need to stock up on salad stuff or go to an Asian restaurant and order some stir-fried vegetables with brown rice. My palate is getting bored! Although my waistline is happy!
It must be melon season because I've been having cantelope, honeydew and watermelon for dessert and they are amazing!

This is what I WISH I was eating! I need to go back to Acapulco for this vegetarian cuisine!

 How many more days of this did I commit to do with my mom? It's not fun considering that it's a Friday night and I like to pig out on Fridays!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Daniel Diet Day 4

Breakfast: a banana and Chai tea at 10am. It's 11:17 and I'm already hungry!

Candidates for this diet:
  • Workaholics--I wouldn't recommend this diet to anyone who doesn't work full time.
  • The Daniel Diet is definitely not for people on vacation! By teaching all day and then going to the gym, attending my dance classes, my technology class at work, grading my students' work, and preparing for the next grading period, I barely have time to breathe--food is merely an afterthought and sustance.
  • Some people eat to live--this diet embodies living to eat.
  • For women: do not start this diet the week of your period unless you don't like chocolate!
  • Brides: do this for 3-6 weeks before your wedding (and get your butt in the gym!) The last time I did this I lost 14 pounds in 24 days! And you can eat a lot as long as it's fruits/vegetables, and anything from a seed! (ie. it's like Vegan for 21 days).

Daniel Diet Day 3

Beans again. Hummus and salad at lunch. Watermelon, honeydew, and cantalope for dessert. I'm loving this regime! I feel very healthy and I'm appreciate the foods from God rather than filling my body with processed foods. More lentil soup for dinner! Very filling! No wonder I'm shedding pounds!

Daniel Diet Day 2

Life is someone boring on this diet which allows me to direct my thoughts/energies elsewhere, in this case, the upcoming election. I pray for America when sugar/carb cravings attack! It must be working because Romney's debate responses undermined anything Obama said! Romney answered the questions while Obama talked about his grandma and family and then threw in a few economical terms.'s not memorable on this but I feel energized! Although my vegetarian pie from the South African market last night after my spinning class defnitely hit the spot! However, I think that I will be sick of lentil soup in a couple days.  I weight one pound less than I did on Monday so this diet is working!

However, I know that there are 20 days left! Arghh! And it's only a Tuesday! Weekends will be even harder!

Daniel Diet Day 1

The Daniel Diet techically started yesterday when my mother begged me to commit to 3 weeks of only water and vegetables although I told her that I would indulge in coffee and tea, which are grown, therefore I'm not cheating. For lunch I had navy beans, sauteed zucchini and squash and hummus with pita bread. (No animal products in pita bread--I checked the nutrition facts!) I also indulge in fruits because I see a thin line between fruits/vegetables.

Let's review what is the Daniel Diet (aka Daniel Fast). In the Bible, in the Book of Daniel, the First Chapter (NIV version) Daniel politely declined eating the kings food while offering an alternative solution.

"Daniel then said to the guard whom the chief official had appointed over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah, 12 "Please test your servants for ten days: Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink. 13 Then compare our appearance with that of the young men who eat the royal food, and treat your servants in accordance with what you see."14 So he agreed to this and tested them for ten days. 15 At the end of the ten days they looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal food.16 So the guard took away their choice food and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables instead."

Dinner was red lentil soup with onions, red peppers, olive oil, cummin, salt and pepper, cooked in vegetable broth. I made Hibiscus iced tea--the last of my Turkish floral teas! Delicious!